Peter Scheibe
Skjelfjord 74
8380 Ramberg
Lofoteninsel Flakstad, Norwegen
Telephone number:
Tel: 0047 / 90936542
Tel: 0049 / 1728729633
Via Rostock or Sassnitz to Trelleborg Sweden
Pass the border Junketal-Bodó heading to Moskenes , from there on it is only 23 km until Skjelford.
5 km before Ramberg there is a left turn, from there onwards it’s only 3 more kilometers – a total journey of 2.400 km, from Berlin the total voyage will take you about two days.
Please calculate the recommended travel route via the below routeplanners. Routenempfehlung
Flight from germany, best offers would be via Norwegian-Airline, In- and Outbound flights, Berlin-Oslo-Bodó-Oslo-Berlin from 300 Euro. (Overnight stay possible in Oslo or Bodó)
from Bodó to Moskenes. per Person – 16 EUR
from Rostock to Trelleborg. per Person – 115 EUR